12 Actors Who Have Bared All on Screen

01:07 0 Comments

It seems that male nudity makes both women and men uncomfortable, but we barely bat an eyelash when we see naked women in films (or on TV). And it's no wonder we're desensitized to female nudity: it's practically a regular occurrence on the big screen, while we rarely get a chance to squirm in our seats at the sight of an undressed man.

But there are some exceptions. For instance, there's no gender discrimination in Shame, which showcases Michael Fassbender wearing nothing but a smile several times as he strips down to play a sex addict. Here are some other male actors who are doing their part to stop the bias against male nudity by showing off, well, their parts! These 12 mainstream actors have gone full frontal on the big screen, including Ben Affleck, who joins the club with his revealing Gone Girl scene. You might find a few movies to add to your Netflix queue.

- Additional reporting by Tara Block




Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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