The Best Way to Chill Beer For Outdoor Parties

20:34 0 Comments

What's the biggest enemy of beer? "Light," said Chris Manca, a Whole Foods Market specialty coordinator and resident beer expert. "Light deteriorates the flavor." As all of America gears up for a slew of outdoor barbecues and pool parties this Summer, Chris shared some important tips we should all keep in mind if planning to serve beer on bright, scorching days.

Glass vs. Can

"Technically the liquid is the same," Chris stated, but what's great about a can is no light permeates through the aluminum. Even with brown beer bottles, some light does get through.

Cooler vs. Fridge

Either is fine, but if you keep it in the cooler, remember the most important rule. "Keep it away from light and fully submerged in ice," Chris recommended. As for open-air buckets, avoid them if you can.

Chill Immediately vs. Not

Many people will leave beer out in the pantry or in the garage (so at room temperature or higher) before chilling the beers down for a party. Chris says it's better to "get beer into a fridge. The integrity of the flavors stays more true when you keep the beer cold." But once you chill it, don't take it out and bring it back to room temperature. "Avoid transferring it between cold and warm multiple times," he stated. It can possibly lead to stale or off-tasting beer.



Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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