What's the Priciest Part of Planning a Wedding? 1,200 Brides Weigh In

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Planning a wedding is no cake walk. There are so many details to consider and so many people to please! What it comes down to is what you and your significant other want, so always keep that at the front of your mind. POPSUGAR surveyed over 1,200 married or engaged women to see how they went about planning their big days - many of the statistics took us by surprise!

Sixty-nine percent of brides paid for their weddings with their partners, which shows that many couples are moving away from the assumption that the parents pay for the wedding. That's not the only percentage that fascinated us - find out more about the cost of tying the knot and what couples are splurging on.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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