Every Maternity Ward Should Have These Cool Hospital Beds

17:39 0 Comments

Every mom knows that the instant a new mother delivers her baby, she wants to hold it and never let go. However, typical hospital procedure requires that babies be whisked away (sometimes for hours) and swaddled in a separate bassinet at nighttime. But what if it didn't have to be that way? When Australian parenting website BellyBelly posted this incredible photo of a modern hospital bed with an attached newborn sleeping area, we couldn't help but wish that every maternity ward offered similar sleeping situations for new mamas. Cool, right?

Because the bassinet portion of the bed sticks out away from the rest of the bed, there's no fear of rolling over onto your bundle of joy, but the little one is also close enough to easily feed and cuddle. Plus, for those moms recovering from a C-section who are unable to get out of bed to tend to their fussing baby, it's a game changer.

Can't every hospital offer these ingenious sleep setups for every new mom? We hope it becomes standard soon!


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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