20+ Tattoo Ideas Inspired by Our Favorite Furry Friends - Our Pups!

18:27 0 Comments

Because dogs are man's (and woman's!) best friend, it only makes sense to look to them next time you're considering a special tattoo. Our dogs are loyal, loving, and sometimes such a huge part of our lives, and as far as we're concerned, that merits a permanent place of honor on our bodies - if you're a tattoo fan, that is. We've searched for some of the most impressive and sweet tattoo ideas that people got for their pups and put them all in one place here. Scroll through to see them all, but don't worry, if you're more of a cat-lover, we have tattoo ideas for you as well!


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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