This Might Be the Most Addictive Double Pregnancy Announcement Cover You'll Ever Hear

16:27 0 Comments

Walk the Moon's hit song "Shut Up and Dance" is addictive enough as it is. But add a double pregnancy announcement, and, well, just plan to not get anything accomplished the rest of the day.

Videographer Jon Murray turned the exciting news that he and his wife, Danielle, were due with their fourth baby (they were already parents to three girls) into the catchiest tune, complete with adorable lyrics like "this child has a destiny" and "we know your thoughts – yes we know how it happens." Not only that, but they shared in the fun (and the screen time) with Jon's brother Aaron and sister-in-law Liz, who were expecting their second baby just a few weeks later. That's right: Jon and Danielle were due Dec. 21, and Aaron and Liz were due Jan. 8.

Could they have planned it any better?!

We spoke with Jon about the making of such a one-of-a-kind music video:

POPSUGAR: How were you all able to coordinate a surprise double pregnancy announcement in the first place?

Jon Murray: We had already told them we were having another. Then I met up with my brother one day and mentioned to him we might do a video to announce it. So naturally he said, "Don't tell Liz I told you, but she's pregnant too! We should do a double pregnancy video!" So we did!

PS: You seem to poke fun at the responses you get with each subsequent pregnancy announcement. What's that like?

JM: People always seem excited when you are pregnant with your first and then mostly excited with your second. By the time you are having your third and now fourth, it seems like their responses are not excited for you at all and now concerned for our well-being!

PS: So what's your message to them?

JM: It was only natural for us to joke about that. So get over it and be excited for us because we are definitely excited!



Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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