38 Questions You Should Ask in a Serious Relationship

04:06 0 Comments

When it comes to serious relationships, virtually no topic should be off-limits. Whether you've just moved in together, a baby's on the way, you're saying "I do," or any combination of the three - there are some things you just need to know. Ahead are 38 questions to ask your significant other as the stakes are raised in your partnership. Note: these range from mildly uncomfortable to a little, sort of, somewhat, totally and utterly cringeworthy. But no matter the inquiry, soldier on . . . if you have any hope for the future, you'll need to know the answer!

  1. What are your religious beliefs?
  2. What are you political beliefs?
  3. How do you feel about abortion?
  4. What is your ideal career?
  5. Are you in any debt?
  6. What's your income?
  7. How do you spend your money?
  8. How much is in your savings?
  9. What's your biggest pet peeve?
  10. How do you feel about monogamy?
  11. Do you have any fetishes?
  12. What are your porn habits?
  13. Are you comfortable with my family?
  14. Do I fit in with your family?
  15. Do you want kids?
  16. If so, how many, and when?
  17. What kind of parent do you think you'd be?
  18. Do you want pets?
  19. Where is your ideal place to live?
  20. Where is your ideal place to raise kids?
  21. Will we raise our children to be spiritual?
  22. Are you more comfortable with a nanny or daycare?
  23. What are your thoughts on recreational drug use?
  24. Do you feel comfortable prioritizing aspects of my family's culture, such as religion or language?
  25. Would you rather join our bank accounts or keep them separate?
  26. How are we going to split the bills?
  27. Do you gamble?
  28. How do you feel about marriage?
  29. What kind of wedding would you have?
  30. Are we going to keep our surnames?
  31. How much would you post on social media about our marriage?
  32. How much would you post on social media about our kids?
  33. Would you be willing to delete nude photos of me?
  34. Would you be willing to follow stricter internet account rules?
  35. Do you have any bad habits I should know about?
  36. Do you get jealous?
  37. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  38. What's your ultimate deal-breaker?


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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