How Pet Insurance Saved This Sick Dog's Life

15:37 0 Comments

For me, pet insurance is one of those things that you're aware of but never actually take advantage of. Even though I have two cats, I've never even considered getting insurance because I just think they'll always be fine. (Something I regretted when my cat got sick last year.) But Pets Best Insurance is there for if I ever change my mind, and the pet insurance company has a whole host of success stories to show for itself to convince the nonbelievers. Take, for example, this story about Rex, as told by his human, below.

Nov. 20 was just like any other day in my household with work, gym time, and dinner for myself, my daughter, and my dogs. My Great Dane, Rex, had the hiccups and looked "off" to me after dinner. He began to wretch non-productively and started to drool uncontrollably. I suspected the worst - bloat. Bloat is a life-threatening condition that occurs when a dog's stomach distends with gas and fluid. I rushed Rex to the vet and soon enough, he needed surgery to the tune of $1,800. This amount would take up all of the Christmas money I had saved for my daughter, and I began to panic, until the reality of having insurance had set in. About six months prior to this incident, another one of my dog's had spinal cancer and I spent $4,000 to save his life. I had just finished paying off the debt. Being a single mom at the time, it was really hard for me to afford this. I couldn't be happier when I realized that this time I wouldn't have to pay an outstanding amount to keep my dog alive. Plus, I'd be able to give my daughter the Christmas she deserved!


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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