20 Latin Recipes You Can Fit in a Mason Jar and Enjoy Later

01:06 0 Comments

In case you haven't heard - if you've been living under a rock or too busy binge-watching TV to look around for the past few years - mason jars are the new plastic container.

Not only are the glass jars preferred by foodies and newbies alike for their easy-to-transport characteristics (that lid is not coming off) and the ability to help you meal prep like a pro but also their good-for-the-environment perks. From salsas to salads to dessert, here are 20 recipes with a Latin twist that happen to fit perfectly in these adorable jars we already know you own by the case!



Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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