My Perfect 4-Product Combo For Silky, Air-Dried Beach Waves

13:24 0 Comments

Once it hits Memorial Day, I relegate my blow dryer and hot tools to the back of my closet: it's air-dry season! I have naturally wavy hair, so with the right products, I can really enhance my texture. Plus, it makes running from an early morning workout to the office much quicker and easier.

This year, I finally found the perfect four-product cocktail that seems to give me nonfrizzy beach waves every time. I'm sharing it with you, here, so you can try it at home! If you have tighter curls or straighter locks, you may want to play around with the selection, since this is meant for medium-wavy hair.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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