This Toddler's Pitch-Perfect Impersonation of Rocky's Training Montage Will Leave You Floored

15:39 0 Comments

There are few moments in cinematic history as iconic as the training montage in the Rocky movies. It seems no one knows this better than little Charlie Magilavy, who has a two-minute scene from the sequel perfectly memorized, down to every jump rope hop and upper-cut swing.

According to his dad, Zack, who posted the video to Facebook, Rocky is the 2-year-old boy's "favorite boxer" and "he takes his workouts very seriously."

Although the parents limit his TV time and don't let him watch the actual fight scenes in the films starring Sylvester Stallone, they can't help but smile at their prize boxer-in-the-making. "It brings a smile to our face every time he asks to 'work out with Rocky,'" Zack wrote.

The adorable video has certainly gone viral – it's got two million views and counting – but Zack has a bigger goal in mind: "Who knows – maybe it will make it back to Sly!"


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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